Looking for the Possible Embrace, by Wilma Pistorius

Composed by Wilma Pistorius in April 2020, shortly after the world was quarantined, this little piece was featured on the Cello Museum’s website on Dec 30th the same year:

“In ‘Looking for the Possible Embrace,’ Pistorius manages to create a varied tonal palette using a limited number of pitches and note values.

The A pitch is the focal point of the piece, appearing as the tuning harmonic, the open string (both arco and plucked), in 4th position on the D string,1st position on the G string, and as an open string in various double stops.

Cellists will delight in the well-considered placement of notes; physically, this is a fun piece to play.” That's What She Said - Postcards from Erica December 2020 (cellomuseum.org)

In January 2021 I was fortunate enough to catch Marina Cherry in-between her many projects and travels, to make a music video for this gem.

Ragnhild Wesenberg

Cellist - finding ways of making a living by doing what I love.


Kodaly Solo Sonata


Moon Suite by Wilma Pistorius